Vamos con la segunda entrega centrada en los trajes de los
Tributos seleccionados para los Juegos del Hambre, en este caso el 4, 5 y 6.
Para ver las imágenes más grandes podéis hacer click en ellas ^^
En primer lugar, para los Tributos del Distrito 4 vemos un
par de diseños bastante sexies, no hay duda de que se han inspirado en la
actividad que allí se lleva a cabo, la pesca en este caso. Para ambos vemos
trajes basados en una red dejando a la vista la mayor parte de su cuerpo
exceptuando aquella que queda bajo una escueta ropa interior en color rojo que
parece brillar, quizá asemejándose a las escamas de un pez. Ambos van
descalzos, quizá como otro guiño a las aguas donde trabajan.
Un par de trajes simples a la par que significativos y muy

Para él algo más similar al típico traje estereotipado de
cerebrito, pero rodeado de lo que parecen las mismas turbinas que ella,
original, sí, pero ridículo a más no poder.

* * * * *
Here we go
with the second post about the clothes for the selected Tributes for the new Hunger
Games, this time we are going to talk about District 4, 5 and 6. Click on the
images if you want to see them bigger ^^
In the first placer, for the tributes from District 4 we see a couple of
quite sexy designs, we have no doubt that they've been inspirated by the
activity of this area, fishing. For both male and female we see outfits based
in a fishing net, leaving exposed the most of their bodies, excepting that one
that is hidden under a tiny red undergarment that seems to shine, maybe looking
like the scales of a fish. Both of them are barefoot, perhaps like a reference
to the water, where they work.
A couple of simple clothes at the same time that they're meaningful and sensual.
A couple of simple clothes at the same time that they're meaningful and sensual.
As soon as
Tributes from District 5, it's notable that they focus in the electricity
production. For her we see a electric blue corset and a skirt with some generators
that produce sparks, you can see that in the shoes too.
For him, an
outfit inspired by the typical nerd outfit, but with some of the same
generators than her, it's original but ridiculous too.
In District 6, they are responsible of the transportation. For both we can see the
typical colours of the traffic lights and forms that remind us traffic sings: She
wears something like a dress with a tail of traffic lights, he wears a sort of
tunic with the same semaphores. They wear "road stocking". It's a
original and meaning idea, although, maybe they can do other type of desing. I
think that they are the most original outfits in this post.
We hope you
like it ans see you the next Wednesday with new outfits ;)
hola no tienes los demás trajes?
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